Foggy Woodland Pre-Wedding photoshoot

Why it’s Worth Having a Pre Wedding Shoot

Why it’s Worth Having a Pre Wedding Shoot

Why it’s Worth Having a Pre Wedding Shoot

Most people are totally baffled when it comes to booking a wedding photographer and a ‘pre wedding shoot’ is included in the package or price list. It always seems like an unnecessary extra and of course people don’t necessarily know what a pre wedding shoot is.

A pre wedding shoot is set up by the wedding photographer and can also be referred to as an ‘Engagement Shoot’. It is, essentially, a casual and relaxed photoshoot a few months prior to the wedding. These shoots act as a chance for the photographer to get to know the couple in person. But also, helps them to understand how they feel in front of the lens.

When choosing your photographer many of these pre wedding shoots will be included within the set price. With The Wedding Secret, we have compiled a list of reasons why it’s totally worth having your engagement shoot.

Natural and creative Pre-wedding photography

A chance to get to know your photographer

Having a pre wedding shoot means you get to meet your photographer in person. You get to spend a significant amount of time with them prior to your wedding day. This helps ease any awkwardness or worries you may have. You won’t just turn up on your wedding day to meet your photographer who’s a complete stranger. You will be able to relax and feel a little more comfortable around your photographer (after all you will spend a lot of time with them on your big day).

This will also allow you to become more familiar with your photographer’s style and methods of working. So that when it comes to your wedding day and they get up very close to you, it comes as no surprise.

It is also important that the photographer gets to know you as a couple and your personalities, so they can decide what style to shoot in and which kind of photos best reflect your characters.

Best natural pre-wedding photos

Getting used to being in front of the lens

Let’s be honest here, we are not all natural models. We don’t all feel totally comfortable having numerous photos taken of us, let alone having to pose and look natural for them. Having a pre wedding shoot organised is the perfect way to feel comfortable and relaxed for the camera. If you’re a particularly shy person or couple, it’s worth doing a pre wedding shoot to ease the nerves of being in front of the camera on your big day. There’s already enough attention and stress pinned to that one day!

During this shoot your photographer can help you feel at ease when posing for the camera. By the time your wedding day comes, you will be naturals! No awkwardness, nerves or tensing up.

Bucks pre-wedding photographer

Use it as a rehearsal

One of the most useful things about a pre wedding photoshoot is that both you as a couple and the photographer can use this as a rehearsal for your actual wedding shoot. After all, practice definitely makes perfect!

Ideally the photographer will try out different poses with you and this is your chance to choose the ones you feel most comfortable doing. So if you’re asked on your wedding day to kiss in front of the camera, you should feel a little more comfortable doing so. You, as the couple, can also practice which positions and poses look flattering. You don’t then need to mess about finding your ‘good side’.

The photographer can also use this as a way to plan and rehearse each photo that they will take on the day to get a feel of how the shoot will be.

Why it’s Worth Having a Pre Wedding Shoot

A fun day out

Not only is it a great practice, it’s also a chance to have a really lovely day out and enjoy some quality time together. It doesn’t necessarily need to be awkward and you can really let loose and have a laugh together alongside the photographer. It’s also a chance to spend much needed time away from work or any wedding planning stresses.

Depending on where your shoot is, you can visit some pretty beautiful and awesome places. Some couples often like to visit the place where they got engaged (if it’s possible). It can make the photo shoot that extra bit special.

Edinburgh Engagement photos

Beautiful photos

As well as getting practice and a fun day out, you will also end up with some seriously beautiful photos to keep forever. These can be useful in the future. For things such as Christmas cards, or even post wedding thank you notes to send out to all your friends and family. You could also get the prints put onto canvas and hang a few around your house.

If you’re still feeling unsure about your pre wedding photoshoot, get in touch with your photographer and find out even more benefits (the possibilities are endless). If it’s included in your package why wouldn’t you?

Why it’s Worth Having a Pre Wedding Shoot

Eneka Stewart provides natural and relaxed pre-wedding and wedding photography in the UK and also Europe. A full time wedding photographer with over 7 years of experience. Visit galleries and get in touch for availability and further details.

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